I want to display the table of contents only for specific blog posts

I want to display the table of contents only for specific blog posts

There are 2 ways to do this

1. Do not use the headings set in "Headings to be used" in the blog post.

RuffRuff Table of Contents will not display a table of contents if none of the headings used in the table of contents exist in the blog post.

For example, if you have set up your blog post to use Heading 2 (h2) and Heading 3 (h3) for the table of contents, if you create your blog post avoiding Heading 2 (h2) and Heading 3 (h3), the table of contents will not be displayed.

2. Create two types of blog post templates, one with a table of contents and one without a table of contents.

You can achieve this by creating two types of blog post templates: "with table of contents" and "without table of contents".

1. Create two types of blog post templates "with table of contents" and "without table of contents" in the theme editor.

2. Add a "Table of Contents" app to the "With Table of Contents" template and not to the other.

3. Use the "with table of contents" template for blog posts for which you want to show a table of contents.